Memberships at Fremont Golf Club run from your application date until March 31 of each year.
Memberships automatically renew April 1st, every year unless a written letter of resignation is submitted and accepted by the Board of Directors. All memberships, including category changes and resignations, are subject to all rules of Fremont Golf Club as amended from time to time by the Board of Directors.
Members may only join under discounted programs one time. In the event you resign and return to Fremont Golf Club you will not be granted a discount.
New member dues must be paid annually and paid before membership begins. In addition, purchase of stock is required if applicable.
Members are subject to house minimums and capital fee charges. Members may resign if they become disabled or move more than 50 miles from the FGC clubhouse.
I acknowledge that as part of the membership process, a credit check will be performed by Fremont Golf Club, the results of which will be held in strict confidence by the executive management staff and board of directors. I also attest that all of the information is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Membership dues and charges become delinquent after the last day of each month, for the previous months billing. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1.5% per month plus a $25 per month late charge. If a member becomes 30 days past due, they will receive a notice of dilenquency from the Club. If the account becomes 60 days past due, the member loses all Club privileges and their account will be turned over to a collection agency.
Golf Member Applicants over the age of 30 are required to own one share of Fremont Golf Club stock. I do hereby apply for membership to the Fremont Golf Club and agree that my family, guests and I will abide by and conform to the articles of incorporation, bylaws and rules of the Fremont Golf Club.